Healing families through nurture, education and self-discovery;
a multigenerational approach

Healing families through nurture, education and self-discovery;
a multigenerational approach


Many of our families have experienced trauma and loss. Our program enables parents to develop the personal strengths to move beyond their own hurt and effectively raise their children.

Samara in Action

Samara is dedicated to strengthening families.

We want our children to do well. We want them to find their place in the world: to use their gifts and talents, to be appreciated and loved by others, to form strong connections and to create a life that has meaning and purpose. If our own childhood was difficult, it may seem impossible to guide our children toward a path where they feel safe, loved, and able to pursue their dreams. At Samara we learn to know families, both parents and children, who have not had the opportunities that they deserve. With support, encouragement, knowledge and hope, they often find themselves able to create a brighter path for themselves and their children.

As a society it makes sense to invest in families whose success is intertwined with the success of our communities. Our investment in their future enriches all of us. Samara's programs are designed for families who are suffering the effects of intergenerational child trauma and loss. Samara has designed and implemented a unique program, supported by the latest research on child trauma and the brain. We consider how the brain develops differently for children who have endured dangerous and violent family environments, and how those children, as adults, function in their role as parents. Our program enables parents to develop the personal strengths to move beyond their own hurt and effectively raise their children.

"Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family."

~ Virginia Satir