Intensive Parenting Program

The defining characteristics of our intensive parenting program are safety and trust. Parents are respected and valued as we blend education with opportunities that encourage them to think independently. We offer a rigorous immersive study of child development, basic emotional needs, communication and respectful discipline. Parents are nurtured as we create chances for them to experience childhood in a new way. After hearing a fairytale by candlelight, a participant exclaimed, “That’s the first time anyone has read a story to me!”

We work hard to build trust among the parents; in this way the participants are allowed to release rigidly-held defenses strengthened by a lifetime of extreme suffering. Before thinking differently, participants need to awaken to feeling. We recognize the need for heart-opening activities to lay the foundation for a meaningful change in thinking.

Our curriculum is challenging. Parents are expected to complete assignments and to make brief presentations in class. Literacy is emphasized. We expect much of parents and give them the necessary support to succeed. Participants are empowered and encouraged to bring awareness and imagination to their daily lives; they begin to experience enthusiasm for their lives and their children… they begin to hope.